Schweißtechnik Zimmermann GmbH
Giesweg 15A
44149 Dortmund
Phone +49 231 / 87 21 36
Fax +49 231 / 87 02 88
Chief executive officer: Jutta Schäfer, Uwe Biallas
VAT identification number: DE 124895548
Trade register: Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB-Nr. 17263
Local tax office Dortmund-West
Chief executive officer and responsible for the contents according to § 6 MDStV: Jutta Schäfer, Uwe Biallas
The contents of this website have been carefully researched. Nonetheless Schweißtechnik Zimmermann GmbH accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and current validity of the information contained herein. The content of this website is general in nature and at best gives a mere overview of the issues we deal with. The information contained herein cannot replace personal counsel and does not represent expert information or recommendation and may not be considered an internet advisory service. Schweißtechnik Zimmermann GmbH reserves the right, without prior notification to amend or alter the information contained therein.
Nor does Schweißtechnik Zimmermann GmbH accept any responsibility for the contents of external websites, linked directly or indirectly to this page and over which Haumann GmbH has no influence. The contents of this website are protected by copyright. The texts contained herein may not be copied or distributed without prior written permission from Schweißtechnik Zimmermann GmbH.